The Kurnai Young Parents Program started in 2014, initially known as the Kurnai Young Mums Program (KYM). The program was initiated after concerns were expressed by Kurnai College staff member that a number of female students had left school prior to completing their secondary education, in order to have or care for their children, leading to a high risk of poor social, emotional, educational and employment outcomes.
Since its inception, the program has witnessed the enrollment of over 100 girls, with more than 70 students graduating. Former students have expressed with great enthusiasm that the course exceeded their expectations and had a profound impact on their lives. The key elements of the program that were highly valued by the students included the consideration and understanding of their additional needs, the personal support and commitment provided by the staff of the Kurnai Young Parents Program, and the camaraderie and encouragement from fellow young parents who understood their situations and motivated them to complete the course. The students were very clear that the course enhanced their confidence, improved their educational learning, and equipped them with skills to tackle life's challenges. Without the KYPP, they had little hope and interest in their future.
What does the program offer?
Kurnai Young Parents Program offers a safe, supportive and flexible learning environment for students to complete their schooling whilst facing the challenges of being a young parent.
The program offers students the opportunity to earn their VPC (Victorian Pathways Certificate). Students also complete components of their Certificate II in Hospitality, which includes food handling and barista training. As part of this training, students learn about catering and cooking, with a focus on economical and nutritious meals. Students also have the chance to obtain their first aid certificate and RSA, along with other qualifications. KYPP also connects students with various services and links them to the community and other support systems to aid them in their journey through young parenthood.
Please refer to the KYPP Enrolment Policy for the program enrolment process.
Read more about the inspiring journeys and positive impact of KYPP in empowering young parents to succeed in this news article by ABC Gippsland News.